DIY – Cat tent tutorial
16 Apr, 2019
Ticks are small, but the harm that they can spread to you, your dog, cat, and family is mighty. Ticks are blood-sucking parasites that often carry disease-causing bacteria and parasites. As a result, they transmit an array of different infections, sometimes simultaneously, into the bloodstream when they consume a meal. The transmission of tick-borne diseases…
Could your dog’s skin problems, possibly including incessant scratching and licking, be something more than allergies? If your pup is losing fur, scratching like crazy, perhaps showing reddened areas of skin, and you can’t find any fleas, then it could be one of several skin diseases called “Mange.” Mange occurs when the skin is infested…
If you’ve ever traveled or gone camping and have come down with a nasty case of diarrhea, there is a chance you contracted a common intestinal infection known as Giardia. This same infection is also common in your pets. But before you reach for any over-the-counter remedies, there are some important facts you should know…
It’s easy to deal with ticks on a dog when you know where they flourish. Learn how to spot and remove them to keep your dog protected from harm.
Your new cat has very specific needs, so be sure to stock up on the top 10 essential cat supplies that will make your little furry feline feel welcome.
No doubt, cats are probably one of the cleanest creatures on earth. If you’ve ever watched your cat groom, then you know it can do this for what seems like hours on end.
Parasites are organisms that live on or inside your pet. Prevention of intestinal worm infection is essential to keeping your cat healthy.
Most cats do not need to be washed with water since they do a great job licking themselves clean. But in the rare event you need to wash your cat, here are some helpful tips.